But sometime in the past eighteen months or so, I finally figured out what I want--which is something that starts off simple, but has the potential for added complexity if I decide I want to keep expanding it, and which I think will be extraordinarily cool when it's done. In the time since, I've been researching tattoo artists, and yesterday I pretty much made up my mind. Since I'm looking for something dimensional and realistic, involving flora and fauna (basically, if it works out, I might eventually wind up with a partial sleeve of leaf litter and tiny animals--newts and spiders and snails and daddy longlegses and toads and so forth--but I'm starting off with a slightly worm-eaten maple leaf and a curious spider on my left wrist) I wanted somebody whose style was sort of Audobon-esque.
And I just got off the phone with Steve at Guideline Tattoo across the river, and I'm going in to see him Thursday. It'll probably be a month or two before I can get an appointment to actually get the ink done (he's a pretty popular guy, for obvious reasons), but I'm totally geeked.
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