1) So okay, yeah, it's true. casacorona has made an offer on two sequels to A Companion to Wolves (tentatively entitled An Apprentice to Elves and A Reckoning of Men) (not necessarily in that order), and through the good offices of arcaedia, truepenny and I have accepted. Now, um, we just have to write the dratted things. (Don't hold yer breath.)
2) via everybody, "You Have To Get Out Of Here. YOUR VAGINA IS HAUNTED." Chris's Invincible Superblog sporks the latest issue of Tarot: The Worst Comic Evar. NSFW. In case you were, you know, in doubt somehow.
3) meet Ace, the
(Other photos here.)
The thing in his mouth is a
He met the Presumptuous Cat today, and was properly obsequious. Also really really good on a very long and trying car ride.
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