Oxford comma?
Oxford comma?
My short story, "The Bone War," is now available in the September/October issue of F&SF! It's also the featured story in the free Kindle…
So I have 7500 words of The Stone in the Skull, the first book of the second Eternal Sky trilogy, which is collectively called The Lotus Kingdoms,…
The storm is over and the sun came out. Everything is melting, only to freeze again soon. More snow in the forecast. I'll be very surprised if we…
My short story, "The Bone War," is now available in the September/October issue of F&SF! It's also the featured story in the free Kindle…
So I have 7500 words of The Stone in the Skull, the first book of the second Eternal Sky trilogy, which is collectively called The Lotus Kingdoms,…
The storm is over and the sun came out. Everything is melting, only to freeze again soon. More snow in the forecast. I'll be very surprised if we…
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