1808 words on A Reckoning of Men today, most of it worldbuilding and introducing (or re-introducing) characters. However, this brings us to 6888 words total, plus whatever truepenny has written on her chunk, which is a pretty cheerful thing. Soon we will have the mystical Tenth Of A Book, if we do not already, and it will seem very much like it's actually a work in progress rather than something we're just diddling around on. (Because of the vagaries of manuscript word count as opposed to work processor count, 85,000 word-processor words in manuscript format comes to 400 pages, which is the contracted length of the book, give or take.)
And now, I am done with work for the day, and get to think about dinner. Which I think will be whole-wheat spaghetti with walnut pesto. And a Bass Ale.
The dogge is chewing his bone very loudly. I suspect this indicates contentment.
the crowd will only like me if they're really fucking drunk.
i just know that i'm harder to console
I'm working on "The Deeps of the Sky" tonight, and generating a regular festival of Words Word Don't Know: luminesced, tropopause, sheeny, thicks,…
i'm putting tinfoil up on the windows, lying down in the dark to dream
I just hit 201 pages and 40,050 Microsoft words/50,250 manuscript words on Shattered Pillars, counting outline notes. Since the book is supposed to…
i ain't crazy bout that mercury
It's publication day for Blood and Other Cravings, edited by ellen_datlow, in which you will find not only my story "Needles" (which is a bit of…
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