[00:10] matociquala
[00:11] matociquala
[00:12] matociquala
[00:14] stillsostrange: My Lamia approves.
[00:14] stillsostrange: They should go for drinks and bowling.
[00:14] matociquala
[00:14] matociquala
[00:15] matociquala
[00:15] matociquala
[00:17] stillsostrange: If she finds my lamia's plot, please send it over.
[00:17] matociquala
[00:17] matociquala
[00:17] matociquala
[00:18] matociquala
[00:18] stillsostrange: Mine is hanging around bars trying to pick up punk girls.
[00:18] stillsostrange: For presumably nefarious purposes.
[00:19] matociquala
[00:19] tanaise: that's a mean thing to do to punk girls, Amanda.
[00:19] tanaise: why not have her prey on the preppys.
[00:21] matociquala
[00:21] matociquala
[00:21] stillsostrange: "accidentally"?
[00:21] stillsostrange: Like falling down an elevator shaft onto some mockery?
[00:21] matociquala
[00:22] matociquala
[00:22] stillsostrange: hee
[00:22] matociquala
[00:22] matociquala
[00:22] matociquala
[00:23] tanaise: The american indians are werewolves.
[00:23] matociquala
[00:24] tanaise: I know that through Internet Snark.
[00:24] matociquala
[00:24] tanaise: No, in twilight. They're werewolves.
[00:24] matociquala
[00:24] matociquala