He appears much more comfortable now, but boy is he silly looking.
(He doesn't have to go into a show ring for three years or so, and he hates being brushed, so we opted for a clip. He looks a little like some kind of mythical Chinese animal now.)
I'm working on "The Deeps of the Sky" tonight, and generating a regular festival of Words Word Don't Know: luminesced, tropopause, sheeny, thicks,…
I just hit 201 pages and 40,050 Microsoft words/50,250 manuscript words on Shattered Pillars, counting outline notes. Since the book is supposed to…
It's publication day for Blood and Other Cravings, edited by ellen_datlow, in which you will find not only my story "Needles" (which is a bit of…
I'm working on "The Deeps of the Sky" tonight, and generating a regular festival of Words Word Don't Know: luminesced, tropopause, sheeny, thicks,…
I just hit 201 pages and 40,050 Microsoft words/50,250 manuscript words on Shattered Pillars, counting outline notes. Since the book is supposed to…
It's publication day for Blood and Other Cravings, edited by ellen_datlow, in which you will find not only my story "Needles" (which is a bit of…
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