New Words: 3,498 (my half of 6996 and change, although I think truepenny got more of those today than I did.)
Total Words: 52,972
Pages: 223
One-Eyed Jack
New Words: 1,247
Total Words: 53,690
Pages: 241
Reason for stopping: Fevered and tired
Mammalian Assistance: Marlowe wants love
Stimulants: Rose congu
Exercise: 3.6 miles walked
Mail: nomail
Tyop du jour: ...judging by the way his long pointed ears flicked under his hair as the other svartalfar spoke in tern (or) A hard bling, and he seemed to snap back into himself.
Darling du jour: In the normal course of events, he would have been betrayed by a beautiful woman by now.
Books in progress: Ed Sanders, Tales of Beatnik Glory; Nancy Milford, Savage Beauty;
Other writing-related work: none