"The Tindalosi Donna Tartt New Yorker Story"
New Words: 3087
Total Words: 5229, or 5500 MS format
Pages: 22
Reason for stopping: Draft! Done! And stuff!
Mammalian Assistance: headbumps from Marlowe, needy dogs.
Stimulants: seltzer, peppermint tea
Exercise: I'm siiiiiiiiiiick. *whines*
Mail: nomail
Tyop du jour: Mebd what you have rent.
Darling du jour: She pushed up to the bar next to a fat man in a damp black coat, who clutched a magic blanket in his hand.
Books in progress: Ed Sanders, Tales of Beatnik Glory; Michael Binyon, Life in Russia; Charles Sheffield, The Amazing Dr. Darwin
Interesting research fact of the day: TEFLON (TM) was invented by Roy Plunkett in 1938.
Other writing-related work: none