Well, the first sentence is confusing, and I had to reread it several times before I got an accurate mental picture. And there's a POV-break to describe the protagonist that distracted me, but your average reader will skip right past it without noticing a thing.
However, comma, the significant thing is that, having gotten past those two minor bobbles, I read it, with vast enjoyment and the occasional pause to reread and savor, through to the end. The voice is lovely, the characterizations nicely layered, and the worldbuilding seemingly effortless--and only somebody who worldbuilds for a living can tell you how much effort goes into making it look easy. Brava!
Upon reading the excerpt, I ran right over to Amazon UK and ordered the Brit edition because I bloody well wasn't waiting until April to read the rest. Twenty dollars in shipping be damned. This is the shit. Man.
Now I have to get my hands on a copy of Tooth and Claw...