New Words: 1421
Total Words: 15252
Pages: 74
Deadline: August 1
Reason for stopping: other things demanding attention
15,252 / 100,000 (15.3%) |
Stimulants: none
Exercise: half an hour of archery, some walking
Mail: nomail
Today's words Word don't know: unassailability, unreplicatable, Endymion, pearlescent
Words I'm surprised Word do know: n/a
Mean Things: Jean made Andre so something Andre would rather not have.
Tyop du jour: udder his weight, its pale throat swilling
Darling du jour: Jean Kroc's God most certainly did play dice.
Books in progress: Wendy Moore, The Knife Man;
Interesting tidbit of the day: sartorias
Other writing-related work: n/a