New Words: 2,190
Total Words: 81240 / 94250
Pages: 377
Deadline: August 1
Words per day to meet deadline: 230
Scenes left / scenes myrtilized (notecards, if I were using notecards this book): 10/8
Reason for stopping: end of scene. tired. the ends of books always seem dumb while you are writing them. finish teh draft.
Stimulants: beer and Laphroaig
Exercise: none. I was going to go for a bike ride and decided that the path of virtue was the book.
Mail: More reviews:
Trip's Life Blog likes both Glasshouse and Blood and Iron. (scroll down)
Emerald City reviews Interzone 203
As does IROSF (free registration required)
Today's words Word don't know: bandoliers
Words I'm surprised Word do know: bandoleers
Mean Things: spontaneous human combustion; massive exigency
Tyop du jour: he sot one and disarmed the other
Books in progress: Martin Cruz Smith, Stallion Gate; Jane Austen, Pride & Prejudice;
Things I'm glad I didn't go to my grave without: Ben Rosenbaum's flash story, "The Orange"