Oi. There is a reason why truepenny is my writing partner. Partially, it's because she's willing to put up with me. (As previously noted, I am Difficult.) But another reason is because we have very different working and thinking styles--she's linear as hell, and I'm about as inductive as it's possible to be and still string together a coherent sentence--and so we complement each other. I tell her when she's so on the nose it hurts, and she tells me when my strings of broken dialogue make about as much sense as Pink Floyd lyrics.
truepenny: Meanwhile, I've started [book title redacted for frank discussion of author's craft], and [author redacted] just makes me want to weep with envy.
truepenny: I haven't read anything else of sie's, so I can't say how this stacks up, but I really like what sie's doing so far.
Also, I have discovered that what I find heavy-handed, others find opaque. :-P
truepenny: This probably goes with the nonlinear thing. Since what you find clear as day tends to leave me going, do what now?
I am not having any of the problems with Vellum that others seem to.
OTOH, I also grok myth pretty well, and it tends to contradict and overrun itself in many places.
truepenny: I suspect you just don't need much connective tissue between bits of story.
I wonder if it's because I started reading grownup books so young. And not understanding them. But then later on I would get more of them. If that makes any sense?
truepenny: Well, I think it makes a difference in how *patient* a reader is with not understanding things.
But I also think your brain just works differently.
truepenny: I don't think it is one. It's the rest of us that are dumb.
truepenny: Dunno.
It may be a matter of verbal vs. nonverbal patterns.
Weird, because I'm totally verbal. But there's this stuff in my head that only goes in between the words.
truepenny: Yeah, but you're also really kinesthetic.
...words for that.
truepenny: See!
And this is why some of my stuff makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE to some people. And feels wonderfully grounded and real to others, and nobody can figure out why there's a difference.
Because all the emotional tells are kinetic.
Can I blog this?
Okay, I'm going to go play some Zuma and quit spamming livejournal now.